Monday, August 11, 2008
Quote of the Day
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Go(ing to) Fish
Today, the plan is to get in touch and hopefully meet with my old boss Jen who I will be working for again. When I lived here last time, I got a job at Cindy’s Backstreet Kitchen in Saint Helena. Cindy’s is one of three restaurants owned (with the help of investors) by Cindy Pawlcyn, somewhat of a celebrity chef in northern California. Cindy’s was behind Main St. in downtown St. Helena, across the road from the railroad tracks on Railroad Avenue. It is in a two story white building with many windows and several dining rooms. At one point it was a hotel for railroad travelers. One of the little stories that we servers would feed our customers to add depth to their experience at the restaurant was that the fig tree that reaches over the patio where they were eating was at least 150 years old. This is especially exciting to hear when it is fig season and we can tell them that the figs on the plate once dangled above their table like the uni-ball Jim once claimed to Val that I was born with (or without if you prefer).
I was offered a position as a manager in training, or MIT for you DASAC people. I would be paid an hourly wage as opposed to making tips, and this would likely often mean less dollars per day, but the chance to get a foot in the door at a successful and well managed company seems well worth it. Optimally, I would get a chance to have a few nights as the barman at Cindy’s, should any openings arise.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Quote of the Day:
Adam: ""I put it down because I hate you."
(said in the theater, regarding the armrest, after Erin chose to
occupy the very same seat Adam wanted.)
Sunday, July 27, 2008
How about a state that offers citizenship but not residence.
How about a state that offers citizenship but not residence.
Imagine a globalized city, with actual physical resources, an economy, citizens, institutions, and cultures already in place. Now suppose that the citizens of that soverign city extended citizenship to every person on this planet, sharing all rights, laws and economies they enjoy with all. Every child, from central Wyoming to Tokyo, would guaranteed access to the laws and economy of this city. In the city, they would have to right to a fair trial. No matter where they lived, they would be guaranteed the right to participate in the markets of that city. What would not be guaranteed, however, would be the right to physically occupy space in the city. Though the freedoms offered could be described as non-corporal, their implications (access to a fair and balanced legal system, access to globe spanning markets and access to the entire world’s culture) could safeguard, elevate, and set free the souls of all people.
There are complications and downsides. This will be for next time, naturally.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Its been a few days...
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Heather is here!
early this morning but as things turned out she didn't make it until
about noon, which turned out to be perfect because I was not feeling
the get up early and make breakfast vibe. Instead Deb and I went to
Calistoga and bought a flat of organic strawberries and some amazing
smoked trout from the farmers market. By the time she got here the
pancake batter was half made and we all sat down to a nice late
Thursday, July 17, 2008
A Dream
After the president's speech, the anchor and the white haired man stood shoulder to shoulder in front of the people in the television studio with their arms around each other. The speech had just ended and in the wake of the twisted logic and doublespeak of our leader, these two men did something extraordinary. They began to sing.
It was a variation of our national anthem but instead of a poem about "That glorious fight," they sang instead of a fragile hope that we might deliver our selves from the grasp of fascism and empire coming from our own leaders and take back our freedom and good name in a time of madness and evil.
I found myself sitting next to my mother in front of the television and when the new words of anthem came up on the screen, karaoke style, we sang along.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
North Beach Lunch
In a few hours we are going to meet up with my good friend Ryan from my Zazie days.
Okay, the little side salads are here so it's time to go.
Monday, July 14, 2008
The things you see in real life
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Day Old Quote of the Day: Two for One Sale!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
A Longer Leg
We made it from Lexington Nebraska to Logan Utah on Wednesday, leaving behind the perfect flatness of central Nebraska for Wyoming’s rolling brown hills and strangely huddled Black Angus Cattle, most of whom (like us) seemed to prefer to huddle tightly together rather than spread apart upon the vast landscape.
As we left this land of ranches, mines and oil wells behind and climbed almost imperceptibly over the mountains I was surprised and pleased to see that the wind farms that Deb and I first saw a year ago on our way back to Massachusetts have grown much larger and in one instance we saw rows of partially assembled units, sections of their cylindrical towers lying on the ground.
It was about an hour and a half drive up from Salt Lake City, winding between orange and brown cliffs looming over either side of the road, studded with solitary conifers and swiss cheese-like rounded mini caves that I imagined were inhabited by coyotes and wierdos.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Nebraska Stench Inspires
Colleen: "Yeah, its pretty hellish."
"That wasn't us, unless you know how to fart tar eggs."
Recorded near mile 376 on I-80 west.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Quote of the Day
I get out of the shower."
Henry's Van: The First Day
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Prelude to Exodus: Finishing Up
Henry's Van
own so I can move with all my stuff all the way across the country.
When I pack the last box and basket and clean my house for the last
time, your van and I will drive for days and days.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Quote of the Day
never done it in the kitchen, but I've never been with a foodie. "
Mystery Solved
Monday, June 23, 2008
recognize it for a second. Apparently the "Less Bush More Trees"
sticker had spawned a host of Leftern Massy sentiments.
Foul play? Or just the ghost of Osgood street?
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Why I love my iPhone
Ledges and I was wondering if the trail looped back or if I should
turn around at some point. So I did a little google search and stuck
the phone back in my pocket for a minute, checked it and found this
handy map if the area, showing me that it is in fact a loop, and I'm
on my way to the ledges.
I should buy some Apple shares.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Tenacious Fly
I dropped Max (the young ruffian that my dad hired to help him out this summer) off in Charlemont after work yesterday because it was on the way to Johanna's retirement party. As I crossed the Deerfield river and turned west onto Route 2 I noticed his fly was hanging on to my window, on the outside. Its wings were perfectly still as I approached fifty miles an hour and then, just like that, it lost its grip and went flying up the windshield and over the van (I hope).
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Poet's Seat
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Its nice to go out once in a while.
Past Due Posting
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Are you kidding me?
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Drive By!
Some of my coworkers:
friends, but you'd think I was the I.N.S. if you saw them scatter when
I came in the room.